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Customer service: To automate or not to automate?


Customer service: To automate or not to automate?

Humans crave interaction. The quality of interaction often determines the depth of engagement and the prospects of any relationship. In business, all undertakings, both indirect and direct, are viewed as opportunities to interact with customers and clients.

What role can automation and AI play in customer service? (Source: Canva)

Unfortunately, how service is delivered can differ from one customer to the next depending on various factors, like competency in communication and length of experience of employees, as well as frequency of training by the employers.

So, what if you could automate customer service to ensure consistency? What will be its implications for businesses?

One benefit of using technology is the ability to replicate task execution with extreme precision. For many firms, it makes sense to adopt automation using a hybrid model because of shifting cost structures. This means that basic tasks are performed by machines, while those that involve complex decision-making processes are handled by humans.

Numerous banks and telecommunications companies have already adopted this model to the dismay of some clients, who still prefer dealing directly and instantly with human customer service agents. Long holding times and confusing options are some reasons that put off customers.

Perhaps the better approach is not to replace the customer service representatives completely but to provide them with better tools that will elicit higher satisfaction levels from customers.

According to a study by Aberdeen Strategy & Research, which interviewed 10,000 business leaders around the world, 59% agreed that customer service representatives, when empowered with AI tools and data, engaged more intelligently in customer interactions.

But until AI and automation can perfectly mimic human abilities – like changes in voice intonation, expressions of empathy, active listening, and spontaneous conversations – technology cannot substitute for human interaction. At least, not yet.

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