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Itochu partners with Blue Laser Fusion to advance fusion energy technology


Itochu partners with Blue Laser Fusion to advance fusion energy technology

Tokyo’s Itochu Corp. has entered into a partnership with California-based fusion technology startup Blue Laser Fusion (BLF). As part of the deal, Itochu will acquire shares in BLF through a third-party allocation process and take part in the development of fusion energy and other ventures that use BLF’s proprietary laser technology.

Blue Laser Fusion co-founder Shuji Nakamura

BLF, a startup launched in 2022, is dedicated to commercializing a laser-driven fusion reactor. Co-founder Shuji Nakamura, a Nobel Prize winner for Physics for his work on a high-brightness blue light laser diode, is spearheading this joint initiative.

What is fusion energy?

As explained in BLF’s website, fusion energy is a source of energy that keeps the stars in the universe shining, including the sun. According to BLF, if it can be used practically, it is believed that it will be possible to stably generate a large amount of energy using a small amount of fuel. The energy does not emit carbon dioxide throughout its energy generation process.

Japan’s plans for fusion energy

The partnership between Itochu and BLF comes on the heels of the release of a fusion energy innovation strategy by Japan’s Integrated Innovation Strategy Promotion Council last April. Working under the Cabinet Office, the council has been instrumental in fostering an environment conducive to the industrialization of fusion energy in the country.

The strategy also calls for the establishment of the Fusion Industry Council, which aims to enhance collaboration among the government, private sector, and academia.

In a press release published in March 2024, Itochu said it will move forward with a collaboration with BLF for the commercialization of fusion energy while promoting alliances with a range of fusion energy-related industries and companies to capitalize on its global network.

The Japanese company also said its collaboration with BLF is a significant step towards the ultimate objective of addressing environmental challenges and energy resource scarcity.

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