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ETS Montreal: Where innovation happens


ETS Montreal: Where innovation happens

École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS Montreal) is marking its 50th anniversary this year having built a solid reputation as a place where future leaders in technology and innovation are trained with practical training.

“At ÉTS Montreal, students enjoy innovating. We encourage them to embrace open science and innovation, and train them to become the next generation of highly skilled researchers and engineers,” said ETS Montreal CEO and Director General Prof. François Gagnon.

“Through entrepreneurial culture or industry internships, they develop life-changing products, from eco-friendly aircraft engines and electric vehicles to NFL helmets that reduce concussions, imaging technology solutions that provide 3D images of knee biomechanics, a minimally invasive modular heart pump, and almost invisible yarns for new fabrics and more,” Gagnon added.

ÉTS fosters technological exchange and innovation between Canada and the United States. An example of this collaboration is in the aerospace industry between Pratt and Whitney. With new challenges to face, ÉTS trains students to meet the future demand for inventors and problem solvers.

Another example of this cross-border partnership is with Ultra Electronics, with which ETS has a longstanding relationship. The partnership has led to the design of wireless systems for the U.S. military.


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